Our Data

Public Records For Free

The public record is vast and ever-growing. Whenever you sign up for online subscriptions, use a credit card, get a speeding ticket, sign a mortgage or create a social network profile, you are adding to your personal public record. Even something as simple as downloading an application from an app store adds another datapoint to the public record. So, if you are constantly adding data to the public record, why is it so difficult for you to see?

Even though this data is "public", data companies thrive by keeping your information private or behind a paywall. Public records apart of government sites are free to use but often difficult to navigate and vary substantially from state to state.

ThatsThem maintains one of the largest living consumer databases in the industry. We connect billions of disparate people, place and online identity records in real-time to create the most comprehensive free people search engine. We are constantly updating our data and push out weekly updates to provide our users with the latest available data.