Creative Lead Generation for your Wholesaling Business

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  3. Creative Lead Generation for your Wholesaling Business

Posted by ThatsThem

Virtual Driving for Dollars

The real estate wholesaling industry is booming! Wholesalers and real estate agents are always looking for new ways to generate targeted homeowner leads of people to prospect. Traditionally, real estate agents and real estate wholesalers have been taught to either pay for lead lists of likely home buyers/sellers or to buy leads whereas others have been taught to drive for dollars which entails driving around town knocking on doors and hoping that someone is looking to sell their home. 

Today, I am going to share with you a real estate lead generation process that I have found to work. Best of all it is free, effective, and very simple. I call it virtual driving for dollars.

Step 1: Geo-based Address Search

Go to to do a geo-based address search. I have included a screenshot below but it is as simple as typing in a ZIP code or city. Then, zoom in and you will see all of the houses and their value in that ZIP. Click on a house to get its full street address. Here is one region a wholesaler might be interested in investing in, now I just need a way to remotely contact the homeowners to see if it could be a lead.


Step 2: Identify Homes to Target

You may want to target all the homes or be a bit more specific and do some research. Obviously with the internet it is easy to search the address to see when the home was last sold, get an idea of the owner equity and look at the interior and exterior pictures.

Step 3: Search for the Homeowner's Contact Information

Once you have identified the homeowner you would like to make contact with, it is as simple as going to ThatsThem's reverse address search  to bring back the name, phone number, and email address of the property owner. I have included a screenshot of this below:



Searching will bring back all of the contact information for whoever lives at that house.



Step 4: Contact the Homeowner

Having talked with hundreds of people in the real estate industry and knowing countless high-producing wholesalers and real estate agents across the country, there is one overarching theme to their success. They own their scripts and have their messaging and value-prop down. They know what works and what doesn’t. You can easily borrow from others' success and start seeing what works for you and what doesn’t. There are many scripts and marketing material online and available for free just one Google search away. As for the outreach method, it is up to you but now that you have found the phone numbers and emails you have choices. It has been my experience that it often takes up to 5 touches to make contact with one homeowner a touch being a call and email or a Facebook message. 

I hope you found this article on how to generate free homeowner leads for your real estate business helpful. Please feel free to email us with any questions and happy searching!

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